Monday, July 5, 2010

To speed up the computer

The part of Hard disk act as a RAM is called Virtual memory. Increasing Virtual memory will helps to speed up the performance of the system. When you open MS Office application, you may get error like Your system is low on virtual memory. To ensure that Windows runs properly, increase the size of your virtual memory paging file.

If you click OK, you may receive the following error message:
Your system is low on virtual memory. Windows is increasing the size of your virtual memory paging file. During this process, memory requests for some applications may be denied. For more information, see Help.

If you receive warnings that your virtual memory is low, you’ll need to increase the minimum size of your paging file. Windows sets the initial minimum size of the paging file at the amount of random access memory (RAM) installed on your computer plus 300 megabytes (MB), and the maximum size at 3 times the amount of RAM installed on your computer. If you see warnings at these recommended levels, then increase the minimum and maximum sizes.
If you reduce the size of the paging file, the Office program may not start correctly or may not start at all. This behavior may occur even if the computer has a large RAM.

Virtual Memory:
When your computer’s physically installed random-access memory (RAM) is running low, Windows adds available memory by using a paging file, generally known as virtual memory, on the hard disk to simulate physical RAM. By default, the virtual memory paging file that is created during installation is 1.5 times the physical RAM on your computer. Therefore, a computer that has 1GB of installed RAM will have 1.5GB ofvirtual memory.

Procedure to increase vitrual memory:
Step 1: Right-click on My Computer on the desktop, and then click Properties.
Step 2: In the System Properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
Step 3: In the Performance pane, click Settings.

In the Performance Options dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
Step 4: In the Virtual memory pane, click Change.

Step 5: Change the Initial size value and the Maximum size value to a higher value, click Set, and then click OK.

Click OK to close the Performance Options dialog box, and then click OK to close the System Properties dialog box.

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